360 pounds

I'm not done yet- 3 or 4 supers to go, but I think I'll have 30 gallons of honey- which is something like 360 pounds, of honey. I got tired of extracting, and went to have a taco. Its way less than last year, but I did it in a more timely way then- earlier- and I think the knotweed as a bigger crop.

The bee escapes worked great- but it does take a day. I made a new design, but actually, the old one worked as well in a side by side test. Go figure.

I am using a blow torch to uncap. It's way better then the heat gun, which was way better than the uncapping knife. I don't think it affects the honey at all. just softens the wax, which I then comb.

On the same day, I learn from a beekeeping friend that the town I live in, which is in a rural area, is considering banning beekeeping.  So I wrote the mayor, and engineer, and went to the building department, and basically, sort of had a melt down, as if my kids were going to be taken away. I broke out into a sweat when I heard it. This on top of some other stressful things, just seemed like too much, and I had to remind myself to breathe and not freak out for a little stress. It will all pass.

But it might mean fewer hives.
