Sacrifice- Art To Beekeeping

I won, for some weird reason, an ebay auction. No one bid against me- and 1890 version of the ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture. Sure, part of an appendix missing. Who missed an appendix anyhow?

The SUPER COOL thing about this book- and if you know this book, you know what I mean, is that it is NOT the ABC and XYZ.


 In other words, it does NOT have the XYZ. Just the ABC. Its like a minus- but a plus. I think it might be worth a million dollars.

PLUS IT CAME FROM WEST VIRGINIA WHICH IS THE MOST AWESOME STATE IN THE UNION. John Denver said so, anyhow. And they cut themselves off of hoighty-toighty slave-owning, Thomas Jefferson State. But some fella in WV found this book (I emailed him- where did you find it?), and this fella=me=  in WA got it. Super pleased. It had like 110 years of WV dust on it which I did my best to clean off with paper towel and windex.

A book is an awesome thing. Above all, it is a thing. A thing with transcendental meaning, As we are things. With or without  meaning. I am noting:  this ephemeral BS digital blog actually is NOT A THING. Its a wisp. It goes when Google goes.

I spent the eve drinking JD and  hammering out aluminum to see if I couldn't and up with a workable solar wax melter. I tried before. It worked ok, not great. But now I have a bunch of plastic foundation that I want to melt- and kill pathogens- and its SUPERHOT out, here, in the PNW, and well- my people have been here for 130 years- we're not used to it and this SUCKS- but at least- let me melt and kill pathogens using the power of the sun, as if it were California.

I built it out of a hive spacer, lined it with aluminim, and spray painted it all. The back is a painting- of mine- one I didn't like, a  dark forest-- and I figure, this is way more practical.

And on top- hard to explain- but plex- where I draw. But as I no longer do, I figure-:sacrifice. Move on.
