Bberry done, Mystery Remains

Blackberry, the basis of almost all PNW honey, is done. Or, close to. A few unblossomed buds holding back.

What the heck bees gathered before there were invasive species, I don't know. In some ways, its more like old friends met again- travelers- bees from eastern Europe, and blackberry from Armenia- old friends reconnecting, here, many thousands of miles away. OMG! I haven't seen you in 100 years!

The Blackberry I think, is via Luther Burbank's efforts- a huge berry, big enough to be called Himalayan.  Which he did. Which was actually from Armenia, a country being exterminated ruthlessly by Turkey and others. Horribly so.

Misnamed by LB, I recall, as a kid, I assumed it was a berry from Tibet- in the same way the PNW had many rhododendrons. Not so.

Not the case, all advertising.

I have, at today's count, 35 hives. I made more metal counters, up to 35, so i can pin labels on each.

12 or so are fresh hives that i hope to carry through the year. I think there is a chance.

So far- and I dont expect this much longer, there have been no mites.

This year, I have seen one. ONE. One mite in a test. Its unbelievable.
  1. maybe I am going blinder, or have blanked them out to i dont see them
  2. maybe the winter OA towels worked?  But there have been 6 months now to increase!
  3. Maybe the Jan 1 treatement worked? Same as ahove!
  4. Maybe I have not counted enough hives?
  5. Maybe the cedar bark above has an effect? It rains down on them all year long?
No idea.
