Bear Fence, Day 3


Day 3 of Black Bear orange alert, and I'm still not set up. I've installed only one bear fence before, but without really knowing much, now, due to the internet, I know how it's supposed to be done, and what in the old days would be simple, gets rapidly complicated. So typical of the "information" age!

It happened first with tennis shoes I recall- one day there was just one kind, then hundreds, and that idea spread outward until it reached electric fencing. There isn't just one sort of t-bar, there are three (at least), so insulators don't fit for them all. Of which there are a ton of options.  And then, not a few energizers, but 100s, not one wire option, but 5, or more, and some fit, and some don't, and some are 20x more powerful, and some are good for bulls, some for deer, some for rabbits, etc. And of course, plenty of brands, and stores, and internet opinions. How does anything ever get done?

That said, I worry each night that not getting done each day will result in a bear tearing through the hives- and there is a good amount of honey to be lost.  But I work days, and only have the evenings, and hope tomorrow will be the day I pound in  the ground stake, install the wire, and activate it all. And not forget the bacon!
