Into May

May 1- and putting together a Formic Acid Fumigator Board plan to kick mite butt. And today I find, another hive gone to the dark side, the last one remaining on my roof of what are usually 10 (they have all been there for at least 25 years), this last one has an unmated queen.  A strong hive, with all drone brood? Why? Because I think of what Formic Acid can do in Fall, kill mites, but kill a queen too- without the beekeeper knowing it- the bees supersede, the queen hatches- but mating time is over. She enters the new year laying drone eggs. I've seen it lots- but its always involved mite treatments.

Below is a beat up version of a mason bee hive I made many years ago. It involved a half circle router. Later, straws become the standard, but the ones I used were too small. Straws end up really being the favorites of Flickers. as they pull them out as this was is. Its almost May- very few cells filled. 

Below, our garden in May. I've planted many apples over the years, but now just have 6 plants. Some do well, some not. Best has been the Liberty.

My mom taught me that even if what you own or wear is beat up and old, keep it clean. So, I have this very beat up old truck, and clean it like it was new every once in awhile. And looked up as I was doing so and saw this.

As hives die, or have died, I pull their boxes back home. So the stack of empty supers now looks like this, and even this, is missing another 30. Not quite sure what to do with it all.

And finally, turnign around to see my house and the roof on which I spent so many beekeeping years- I see there is only one hive left- and this is a drone layer. I pull out two frames of brood from a nearby hive and insert them. I think a good chance it will work, as this is not  drone laying hive, but an unmated queen laying hive. I find her, unmarked, and cage her. I pull two brood firames from the other hives, and insert them. Close it up. And finally pinch the head of the queen I have in my pocket. I apologize, but make it swift as I can.


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